The Effects of Weight Loss in Body Composition of Obese and Overweight Patients

  • Alexandra Alexescu UMF Carol Davila, CMI Dr. Alexescu Alexandra
  • Emilia Rusu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania and Clinical Hospital N Malaxa, Bucharest, Romania
  • Andreea Dragomir
  • Nicoleta Pietrisi
  • Gabriela Radulian


Background and aims: The optimal management of overweight and obese patients should combine medical nutritional therapy with caloric restriction, physical activity and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Material and method: We conducted an observational study, which included patients who underwent nutritional intervention to lose weight, in the nutrition and diabetes clinic Nutrislim, in Bucharest, between 2016 and 2018. The patients were adults, mostly women, overweight or obese and sedentary. After analyzing the eating patters, nutritional therapy was adjusted for every patient, in accord of his/her needs. Results: Most of the patients were overweight (n=10). Thea eating patters showed a protein consumption of 14.95% in women and 14.17% in men. Carbohydrates accounted for 43.72% of female nutrition and 40.23% of male nutrition. An important intake was from lipids (38.95% for women and 43.49% for men), of which polyunsaturated fat reached the lowest proportion (7.71% women, 3.37% men). Conclusions: Implementation of a healthy diet, witch can remain a lifestyle intervention after the nutritional program ends, it’s the most beneficial for the patient. The weight loss is sustained by conserving the muscular mass.

How to Cite
Alexescu, Alexandra, Emilia Rusu, Andreea Dragomir, Nicoleta Pietrisi, and Gabriela Radulian. 2020. “The Effects of Weight Loss in Body Composition of Obese and Overweight Patients”. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 27 (2), 85-89.
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