Using CD63 and CD203 in diagnosing food allergies

  • Ruqayah Askar Irhayyif Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
  • Shayma’a Jabbar Raisan Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
Keywords: food allergy, CD63, CD203, basophile cells


Food allergies are one of the most common diseases in recent times. Due to the increasing incidence of food allergies and the difficulty of diagnosing this type of allergy, the study aims to evaluate the role of the differential proteins CD63 and CD203 in diagnosing food allergies. The study was of 90 blood samples from people aged between 7–49 years old. It involves 70 blood samples from allergic people and 20 from healthy people, considered control samples. The allergy diagnosis was confirmed on 90 samples using the allergy type test using the diagnostic kit (Atopic Kit). The results brought to light that 30 samples were food allergy, 40 samples were not under food allergy, and 20 control samples were also not food allergy. Besides, the present study included the estimation of differential proteins CD203 and differential proteins CD63 in the serum of the studied samples using the ELISA technique. The results of the current study showed an increase in the concentration of CD203, as its average concentration in samples of people with food allergy reached a rate of 0.16+0.15 ng/mL, compared to the average concentration of control samples, which was at a rate of 0.14+0.05 ng/mL, with significant differences in the concentration of CD203 in people with food allergies, and control samples, at the probability level P≤0.05. Moreover, the study under question disclosed that differential proteins are essential criteria for measuring basophil activity and diagnosing food allergies. This study’s conclusion is that CD203 and CD63 are important criteria for measuring basophil activity and diagnosing food allergies.

How to Cite
Irhayyif, Ruqayah, and Shayma’a Raisan. 2024. “Using CD63 and CD203 in Diagnosing Food Allergies”. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 31 (1), 41-46.